Last updated

Manage Inventory Locations

With the /v2/inventory_locations endpoints, you can create and delete inventory locations in inventory warehouses, list inventory inventory locations, and update inventory location names.

Inventory Locations Properties

Inventory locations have five properties:

inventory_location_idstringGenerated automatically when you create an inventory location. This property is required to update or delete a specific inventory location and if you want to update SKU stock levels. You can also use it as a query parameter when listing SKU inventory levels.
inventory_warehouse_idstringGenerated automatically when you create an inventory warehouse. This property is required if you want to add a new inventory location.
namestringThe name that will appear in ShipStation for this inventory location. The name property reflects the area - unit - shelf - bin warehouse layout set for your warehouse locations in ShipStation. You’ll define the inventory location name when you add a new inventory location. This is also the only property you can update for an existing inventory location.
created_atstring (date-time)The date and time the inventory location was created.
updated_atstring (date-time)The date and time the inventory location was last updated.

List Inventory Locations

To see which inventory locations are associated with which inventory warehouses, you’ll need to list all inventory locations.

GET /v2/inventory_locations

To see which inventory warehouse is associated with a specific inventory location, add the inventory_location_id to the endpoint path.

GET /v2/inventory_locations/{inventory_loation_id}

Add an Inventory Location

When adding an inventory location, you’ll define its name and set which inventory_warehouse_id it will be associated with in the request body.

The inventory location name must correspond to the location layout you’ve defined in ShipStation: area - unit - shelf - bin. For example, the location of a specific SKU is in:

  • Area: A1
  • Unit: 12
  • Shelf: B2
  • Bin: 24

The location name should be A1 - 12 - B2 - 24

Example Request & Response

POST /v2/inventory_locations

curl -i -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'api-key: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' \
  -d '{
    "name": "string",
    "inventory_warehouse_id": "string"
{ "inventory_location_id": "string", "name": "string", "inventory_warehouse_id": "string", "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }

Update an Inventory Location

You can update the name of an existing inventory location using the PUT method with the /v2/inventory_locations endpoint. Just add the inventory_location_id you wish to update to the endpoint path, then include the name property in the request body with the updated inventory location name.

Delete an Inventory Location

Deleting an inventory location is a bit of a special case because all inventory must be removed from the location before it can be deleted.

You can add the remove_inventory query parameter to the endpoint path if you wish to remove inventory in the same request to delete the location.

Query ParameterTypeDescription
remove_inventoryenumerated string
  • 1, removes all inventory from the location before deleting it.
  • 0, If 0 or missing and the location has On Hand inventory, the request will fail.

Example Request & Response

DELETE /v2/inventory_locations/{inventory_location_id}

curl -i -X DELETE \
  '{inventory_location_id}?remove_inventory=0' \
  -H 'api-key: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'